II. the Great Khazar Khaganate




“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them

which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 2:9


“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;

behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Revelation 3:9




Revelation 21 According to the Babylonian Talmud



Chabad-Lubavitch and the Globalist Prophecy Deception / A possible scenario

January 24, 2018

This prophecy fulfillment scheme is a project of the Kabbalist “Jewish“ central bankers and their royal family partners in crime, and it is being orchestrated by the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist “Jewish“ cult. Chabad is a religious front of the Mossad, and it is focused on producing the globalist End Times show. It also has intimate connections to both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. In fact, both Trump and Putin have large roles within their End Times script. For Act 1, Trump has been cast to play theMoshiach ben Yosef“ (the precursor messiah), and Putin has been cast to play the Moshiach ben David“ (the main messiah). And in Act 2, Putin's character will transition into the role of “Final Antichrist“ to the globalists' fake Jesus, the “Kabbalah-Christ.


In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the real Jesus, the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the Biblical prophecies TWICE. The first fulfillment will provide the "Satanic deception" that Christians are expecting, and the second will provide the "real Second Coming" they're also expecting. Both fulfillments will feature a Christ and Antichrist. Both will include a 7-headed, 10-horned Beast out of the Sea and a Beast out of the Earth to help the Beast out of the Sea. And both will feature Gog-Magog Wars and Battles of Armageddon. But both are false fulfillments. I know this with certainty because I've observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both, and I've documented their deceptions in my blog.

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.  And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard (Germany), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Russia), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (Britain): and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. Rev 13:1-2

IN THE FIRST FULFILLMENT, the globalists will pit “the American Antichrist and his evil unilateral / unipolar NWO against “the Russian Christ and his benevolent multilateral / multipolar NWO.


The Russian Christ will of course be played by Vladimir Putin, and that's why you've heard so much in the controlled alternative media about Putin being “a good Christian who has stood up against the Western Satanists and their NWO.“ And the Western Antichrist is currently slated to be played by Trump's replacement...after Trump is assassinated or otherwise removed from office by the supposed “Deep State - a move which is IMMINENT.


During the upcoming Third World War conflict in Korea, the Middle East, and Ukraine, Putin will defeat the West and overhaul the “Western-dominated“ UN into the multilateral / multipolar NWO. And to convince people that they're going through something supernatural, the globalists will be putting on a grand show involving fake assassinations, fake resurrections, and fake extraterrestrials - all made possible by Hollywood magic, sequestered technology, and a near limitless budget.


At the end of this first fulfillment, most will be convinced that Putin is the Jewish and Christian Messiah, and that the “new, reformed“ UN / NWO is his democratic kingdom.


IN THE SECOND FULFILLMENT, Putin's NWO will turn quite ugly about 3.5 years after it's launched, and it will become clear to everyone that they've been “deceived by Satan” into accepting the Final Antichrist in Christ's place. After 3.5 more years of “great tribulation,“ Putin will lead his UN army and ET pals against a second group of arriving beings, the “real Jesus and his angels.


At the end of this second fulfillment, the globalists are expecting everyone to buy in and accept the “real Jesus they presented. And it is through this phony figurehead Jesus that they hope to rule over us like gods in a post-democratic world they own lock, stock, and barrel.



Note: The real Antichrist is identified in Merovingian and Masonic literature as Thomas Plantard de Saint Clair, Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion which oversees all secret societies worldwide.  An important Merovingian source for this information is best-selling book and movie, The Da Vinci Code in which the protagonist, Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), reveals:


"Only two direct lines of Merovingians remain.  Their family names are Plantard and Saint-Clair

Both families live in hiding, probably protected by the Priory."



Vladimir putin: "king of the world"


Rus (and later Russia) is the direct heir of Hyperborea, the ‘land of kings’; Britain is the heir of Atlantis, the ‘land of the covenant (brith)’. There can be no coincidences in language: after all, it is, according to Martin Heidegger, the House of Being.” (Eurasian Archive)


Putin is a descendant of the Tribe of Dan


Putin’s alleged nationality card shows that his mother is Jewish. It is highlighted with a red box. It reads “/Евр./” at the end of her name, which is an abbreviation for the Russian word for Jew: Еврей. / Google Translate


“Russian President Vladimir Putin – half-Jewish by nationality on the mother’s side – such sensational data were published by a number of domestic and foreign media outlets. In support of this fact, the publication cites a document – an application for the issuance of a new passport of the citizen of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, dated December 30, 2000, which indicates the nationality of the parents. According to official data, the father of the current president, Putin, Vladimir Spiridonovich, is Russian by nationality, and the mother of the head of state, Maria Ivanovna Shelomov, is listed as Jewish (Евр).


Vladimir Putin is a Khazar / Tribe of Dan

Putin was a KGB intelligence officer in the Soviet Union which was established by the Khazars. Putin is Chabad Lubavitch which is building the Great Khazar Khaganate. The so-called Ukraine-Russia war is a dialectical operation facilitating Russia “ethnically cleansing“ Ukraine of Gentiles in preparation for the Danite Khazar Empire.


CHABAD Rebbe Schneerson. “The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state, as 50 years ago, we created Israel.”


N.B. The Tribe of Dan identifies as Jews but they are not.


Danes were Jews when it suited them, and when it did not, they were only Danes.” Blue Blood Secret (p. 82)


I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9


Chabad Lubavitch is the Tribe of Dan according to the 6th Rebbe

Those Who Fall Between the Cracks


“Along came the Tribe of Dan and said, “We are in charge of bringing back those who are lost.” If there were Jews who fell through the cracks and couldn’t keep up, the tribe of Dan gave them extra love, threw an arm around their shoulder, and said, “Come with me; you are welcome in my home—you are welcome in my heart. We are all one people.”


“This is the beautiful system of outreach that the Rebbe pioneered and built. The Rebbe’s call is to each one of us: at a time when so many of our people are lost to external influences, we must all go the extra mile to help our fellow Jews find their way home..


“In 1940, in the midst of the Holocaust, the Sixth Rebbe miraculously arrived on the shores of the United States and established the modern-day Tribe of Dan.”


Chabad Lubavitch was founded by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson


Menachem Mendel Schneerson was born on April 5, 1902 (OS) (11 Nissan, 5662) in the Black Sea port of Nikolaev in the Russian Empire (now Mykolaiv in Ukraine).”


The Sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn identified Chabad Lubavitch as Tribe of Dan


Founded  in 1940 by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn from Russia (present day Mykolaiv, Ukraine) who identified Chabad Lubavitch as the Tribe of Dan.


“In 1940, in the midst of the Holocaust, the Sixth Rebbe miraculously arrived on the shores of the United States and established the modern-day Tribe of Dan.” (Those Who Fall Between the Cracks)


Putin is a Rothschild-controlled Chabad Jewish Grand master put in power to usher in anti-Christ


Putin will be a False Jewish Messiah and “King of the World“

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:4-5


Sanhedrin addresses Putin as Jewish king


June 14, 2019 Anno Domini


“Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday met with a delegation of rabbis, led by Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, and rabbis of the Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE). Rabbi Yosef began by saying ‘according to the Jewish tradition, your leadership is decided by the kingdom of G-d, King of the world, and therefore we bless you: Blessed is the One who gave of His glory to flesh and blood.”



The Tribe of Dan Created and were the Leaders of the Khazarian Khaganate.


The British Crown Against Russia


“On the other hand, the southern branch of the tribe of Dan was taken captive by the Assyrians, as a result of which it settled around the Caspian Sea and in the Caucasus. Later, the southern Danites spread to the north and occupied the area around the Black Sea: these are the very same lands in which the Khazar Khaganate would later take shape. This subject is treated by T. V. Gracheva, who later indicates, that:


Thus, the tribe of Dan was at the source of the creation of the Khaganate; that is to say, Jews from that tribe who had abandoned the faith of their forefathers had become the leaders of the Khazars, even when this group still lived in tribal communities… The fact that the first wave of migration consisted of Danites also confirms the fact that the Khazars worshipped the serpent”. The northern and southern branches were in a sense called (by whom is another question) to step on the road of future history.  Invisible Khazaria, p. 188.


The Midrash on Isaiah 49:9 described above said that the Ten Tribes were exiled to three places: Beyond the Sambation River; To within the Clouds of Darkness; and to Daphne of Antiochea. Other related sources also trace the Ten Tribes to the Sambation River or to the Sambation and beyond the Sambation, or simply beyond the Sambation.


The Tribes of Judah and Benjamin were not exiled to the same place as the ten tribes; for the latter were transported beyond the River Sambation," etc. (Midrash Gen. R. 73, Num. R. 26. and Yalkut Gen. 984, Midrash Zuta, Song of Songs 1).

Here (according to the Map of Ptolemy) was the settlement of "Gomara" associated with the Gimri or Cimmerians. Gomara is located on the site of Sakkiz the Scythian capital. The Scythians emerged from the Cimmerians and were more often referred to as Cimmerians than as Scythians. This was the region of Mannae where it was prophesied (Amos 4:3: Targum Yehonathan) that part of the exiled Israelites would be taken to. From this first area of SAMBATION the Israelite Scythians were to be forced northwards onto the South Russian Steppe lands. The land of southern Russia into which the Scythians moved became known as Scythia. The Scythian region of southern Russia included the Don and Danaster Rivers and the region of Kiev on the Danaper River. [Note the association of Dan in these names.]

There are indications that Israelites who were part of the Scythian forces brought the appellation Sambation with them. The name moved with the people... The name Sambation was understood to be another form of the term Sabbath. This enables us to equate the Don River with the Sambation.


“The Don River-Caucasus area. Gog and Magog may have encompassed Gok Turks and Goguryeo Empire of [North] Korea. Western Gok Turks honored by being named Onogur meaning the "Ten Tribes". Dingling of Dan and Hesan (Hushim son of Dan) associated with Kosa-Khazars in the east...


Revelation of John defines geographical area of Gog and Magog in the last days: "when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will begin to tempt the nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle and their numbers - like the sand in the sea."


Gog and Magog, the nations which Satan will gather for war, scattered everywhere, in "the four corners of the earth" (north, east, south, west). This world power in "the four corners of the earth" is omnipresent. That is, the names of Gog and Magog in geographic terms are used only to describe the origins of these peoples, not their presence in recent times because they are everywhere.


Only one group can correspond to this ubiquity, located on "the four corners of the earth" - a group whose religious identity has remained intact, but whose ethnicity is faded into antiquity. The group, which, in spite of everything, survived, the group, whose roots go back to the land of Magog, located in the former Khazaria.


Gog is the tribe of the Danites, that had lost their ethnicity under the influence of the Khazars, but has retained its spiritual essence of the godless, the tribe from which the Antichrist will come and that will lead him to power. Therefore tribe of the Danites is not an ethnic concept, but spiritual.


Tribe of the Danites, which existed as an ethnos in ancient times, will come again in last times as a spiritual force to seize the land of Israel (Palestine). And Israel is not only a physical space (territory), but also as a spiritual space, to draw the souls of men to the Antichrist.

 (Invisible Khazaria: East European Jewry Khazar Roots)

Gog and Magog


If you have wondered how Jeremiah 8:16 can refer to the tribe of Dan attacking Israel after its dispersion and disappearance from history, the conundrum has been solved. The tribe of Dan will be in the Great Khazaria Khaganate and the House of Judah will be safely returned to Israel. However, these prophecies pertain to the end of the Millennium, and not before that peaceful thousand year reign of Jesus Christ.


The snorting of his horses was heard from Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones; for they are come, and have devoured the land, and all that is in it; the city, and those that dwell therein.” Jeremiah 8:16


"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.” Revelation 20:7-8


There will be at that time of restoration a great and final invasion of the land of Israel. Gog and Magog will invade the land "that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people." The invaders come "against the mountains of Israel which have always been waste; but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely, all of them." In verse 11, the evil purpose of the invader is made known. From all this we learn that the invasion takes place at the time when the Lord has brought back His people and resumed His relationship with the remnant of Israel.

The invasion will happen some time after the beastly empire with its beasthead, the revived Roman empire, in its final ten kingdom form and the clay, with the little horn as leader (Dan 7; Rev 13:1-10) and the false prophet, the personal Antichrist (Rev 13:11, etc.) have been dealt with in judgment (Rev 19:19-20).” (Arno Gaebelein, Ezekiel 38-39)


See Appendix: Gog and Magog

THE Great KhazarIA Khaganate to Rule the World



“Ukrainians would think they are fighting against expansionist Russia, struggling for existence... The same will be thought by Russians as though they defend their national interest... We will build the Great Khazaria - the Jewish state - on these fertile lands the same way as we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive the Slavic cattle out.”

(Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson)


Chabad's Khazarian 'Heavenly Jerusalem” Project

Heavenly Jerusalem in Ukraine and the Kabbalah of WW III (Video)

by Christopher Jon Bjerknes


The Ungodly New Jerusalem in Ukraine Follows the Kabbalah


There are predictions in the Zohar and Sefer Zerubbabel which anticipate the idea that the king of Iran will attack the Jewish people and that may be used to motivate Jews to move from Palestine to the Heavenly Jerusalem in Ukraine. This heavenly Jerusalem that I'm referring to is the dream of a man who calls himself Igor Berkut. His birth name was Igor Gecko. He forecasts that the Ukrainians have a massive population of people who contribute nothing of value to society and should be eliminated; and that when this elimination takes place there will be space for a Heavenly Jerusalem in southern Ukraine where the Khazarian Empire used to be.






“First let's take a look at some of the things that Igor Berkut was saying leading up to the Ukraine war:

Igor Berkut: ‘...that this problem is important, it would seem unsolvable, there is a solution, there is an answer called, it is heavenly Jerusalem in the future. I will use the term heavenly Jerusalem. Also, as new Jerusalem, new Earth, but what was clear to your viewers that all this means the same territory the same project in chapter 21 of the book of Revelation of John the theologian, which is the last book of the New Testament, It is said that the God-chosen, God-saved people will find the land of the new Jerusalem, on which, after that they will continue their path to happiness and prosperity. In our opinion, the land of the new Jerusalem or heavenly Jerusalem, located in the south of Ukraine, these are five regions: Dnipropetrovsk Zaporozhye, Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa regions. It is on the territory of these regions that a new Jerusalem will be created in the future.’

“My interpretation of the Kabbalistic imagery which appears in Berkut's presentation is that the beautiful woman represents Shechinach or Lilith and, in occult, Kabbalah Lilith and Shechinach are ultimately the same female goddess of the moon. She is pouring out the Waters of Primordial Chaos which is symbolic of the transition of the ages from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius as described in Luke chapter 22:7-13.  This signals the arrival of the new heavens and the new Earth and the new Heavenly Jerusalem. In Kabbalah, the goal is to lift up Earthly Jerusalem to the Heavenly Jerusalem in the New Age of the World to Come so, kabbalistically, my interpretation of what is being portrayed is that the goddess of Malkut is raising Malkut, the Earth, to the Heavenly Jerusalem as we transition into the age of Aquarius in which there will be a new heavens and a new Earth.


Igor Berkut: "Chapter 21 also says that the Jews of all the earth at the foundation of heavenly Jerusalem will collect the wealth they have accumulated for everything for all the. for the entire previous life. But what is the wealth described in the New Testament, what is it in the modern world. Technology, the infrastructure, this intellectual property, this is an advanced science precisely. All this awaits in the future the land of new Jerusalem.”


My kabbalistic interpretation of what Berkut is describing is the ripening of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil at the end of the six days of Creation the six thousand years of Creation which heralds the World to Come, the New Heavens and the New Earth of Isaiah and the New Jerusalem of Revelation chapter 21 and also chapter 3. I believe he is portraying the era in which Jewry is slated to become 'gods' by employing knowledge of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil which becomes kosher at the end of the Age and safe for Jewry to consume. This will enable Jews to breed 600,000 immortal androgynes to populate this new Heavenly Jerusalem.


God's Word About the Kabbalistic Heavenly Jerusalem...


“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12


See also: Chabad's Heavenly Jerusalem Project


   Igor Berkut, WHO oversees the Heavenly Jerusalem Project, IS A Leninist-trained Bolshevist

 Igor Berkut, Anatoly Klyosov and Evgeniy Prigozhin about the Heavenly Jerusalem project in Ukraine / Excerpts


“Igor Vitalievich Gekko, is better known as Igor Berkut or Harry Ber-Kut. Being a native of Donbass, he graduated from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School of the Orders of Zhukov, Lenin and October Revolution Red Banner*, served as a reconnaissance platoon commander and battalion intelligence chief in Afghanistan... On May 7, 1965, the school was awarded the Order of Lenin. On February 21, 1978, the school was awarded the Order of the October Revolution... Some Ukrainian journalists consider him to be an agent of “Russian special services, GRU, FSB"...

*The school was formed in December 15, 1917... by order of Vladimir Lenin as the 1st Moscow revolutionary machine gun officers school. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, were a far-left faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party... The Bolshevik party, formally established in 1912, seized power in Russia in the October Revolution of 1917, and was later renamed the Russian Communist Party, All-Union Communist Party, and Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The party's ideology, based on Leninist and later Marxist–Leninist principles, is known as Bolshevism.” (Wikipedia)


The Red Terror vs White Terror / Bolshevik Civil War


“Historian Sergei Volkov asserts that in 1917-1922 the Bolsheviks killed up to two million people. At the same time historians who refer to archival materials of those bodies that were responsible for the repressive policies argue that the organized terror claimed 50,000 lives. Some double this figure to include the victims of peasants’ revolts against the Soviet government. Over 100,000 people killed is a shocking number but it constitutes only a small fraction of all the victims of the civil war estimated between 10 and 12 million people... As the author of one recent study asserts, no less than 500,000 people fell at the hands of the Whites, although usually researchers’ estimates are somewhat more modest.

‘Russia will become the capital of Kabbalah…Marxism-Leninism prepared us for Kabbalah’

The Jews are the group that was chosen to preserve knowledge until the time came to reveal it to the world. The ancient books precisely indicate 1975, when you can start studying, as the Kabbalist Gaon from Vilna wrote, for example, in the 16th century…


Kabbalah, among other things, is attractive to modern man because it does not burden him with the burden of sinfulness. This, it seems to me, makes Kabbalah similar to Buddhism and Krishnaism. Is this why Kabbalah cannot find its niche in the East? Kabbalah (in Hebrew – tradition) is part of Jewish theology, the doctrine of the knowledge of God.


It is believed that God imparted Kabbalah to Moses during the last 40 days of their meetings on Mount Sinai. Kabbalah means secret traditions, or unwritten law, and, according to the ancient rabbis, was transmitted to man so that he could understand the universe around him and the universe within him (as writes occult scholar Manly Hall). Those who have penetrated into Kabbalah are believed to discover a logical and comprehensive doctrine of the world order and master methods of influencing Nature. Kabbalah came to Europe in the 13th century thanks to Spanish Jews... Like any mystical teaching, it contains intellectual and ritual components. Kabbalah is considered the key to the later Masonic esotericism.

Communism is the ultimate objective of Kabbalah

Real ‘Corrected Communism’ as intended by it’s Jewish originators:

“The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to PERISH in the revolutionary holocaust”.
Published by Karl Marx in 1849 in his political journal ‘Neue Rheinische Zeitung’.

In plain terms, despite the many efforts of Communist Jewish sayanim ‘intellectuals’ to interpret this statement variously to provide it with entirely different meanings and even ascribe the authorship to Engels by sheer wishfulness for their own motives of intended deception, what these words REALLY mean is an open statement of intent by the Jewish Karl Marx to fulfil the edicts in the Zohar for instance that the Jews are intended to first enslave all of Gentile humanity and ultimately totally exterminate every Gentile on this entire planet.

Karl Marx was a third cousin of the banker Rothschilds who employed him to write the political Communist doctrine as a means to implement Judaism over the entire world.

Lenin stated that killing 9 out of 10 people in the entire world would be acceptable to impose a successful Communist ‘revolution’. Klaus Schwab who had a Jewish mother plans to ‘reduce’ the world population by 7.5 BILLION, so Communism does cause inflation after all it seems.

The Zohar statements that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be enslaved, then ultimately totally exterminated may be being ignored by many who might think this does not mean a thing because there is not really any Jewish ‘god’ in the sky who is going to come down here and do all this killing of Gentiles anyway, but we should bear in mind that the Jewish death cult is posing as a spiritual religion only to better enable this dark-minded soul group of lower dimensional recent origin to infiltrate among unsuspecting humanity.

“The Jewish ‘scriptures’ state that every Jew is god walking on the Earth (or what the Jews consider to be God anyway, as they are arrogant megalomaniac self-worshippers). In reality, it is actually the Jews themselves who are intending to do all the killing of all the Gentiles in the whole world with their mass sterilization program with their Jewish-designed synthetic mRNA ethnobomb bioweapons, and other Jewish scriptural verses make this quite apparent.

Jewish Talmudic Quotes – Facts Are Facts

“This is exactly what Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi stated when he said that of all the Gentiles in the world, there will be “no survivors”, and he said that very gloatingly, in a celebratory manner as if in anticipation of events soon to come to pass.

“When discussing the Noahide Laws themselves, Mizrachi openly stated that 6 BILLION Gentiles will be killed for the ‘crime’ of ‘idolatry’ alone, and then there are other Noahide Laws that have death penalties for contravening them, however, one of the conditions of these laws is that the death penalty for breaking any of them can ONLY apply to Gentiles, and NEVER to any Jew.

This is precisely why highly sinister crypto-Jews like the Jewish-funded Keir Starmer (Starmer is a Jewish name, check out how many rabbis are called ‘Star’ etc.) is heavily preparing under the guise of providing measures to ‘defend Muslims’ (who the Jews really wish to entirely exterminate under Noahide Law anyway along with using their genocidal war program against Muslims in various nations using the armed forces of hijacked nations like the UK and US etc.) to build up an iron-fisted Stalinist police state ready to smash the heads in of anyone who may dare to physically resist being sterilized and murdered by the Jews with their COVID jabs and the rest of the synthetic mRNA ethnobomb jab weapons that the Jewish-run WHO is preparing to administer to all Gentiles to murder/suicide all Gentiles more rapidly and easily.

Communism is a Danite Ideology


“After the Second World War, a new Dan experiment called Communism followed. Communism is supposedly an ideology taken from a philosophical work composed by one Danite and an Ashkenazi Jew, Marx, and Engels. Communism was a kind of purge, or from the point of view of the Danites, the removal of a potential threat to the Dane system of government. Thus, in all countries where Communism was introduced, the first thing to do was to massacre all of the yesterday's wealthy people, who could be a potential threat sometime in the future... 

“Communism later served as a public pretext for attacking many other countries by the Danite private army (NATO). Thus, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, and China were attacked under that pretext. The Cold War period is, in fact, that brief pause without wars in the West, but wars have existed and will exist as long as the Dane royal blood rules this world. The moment the Danites installed Gorbachev as president in Russia and orchestrated the collapse of the USSR.”  (Blue Blood Secret, p. 153)


“Heavenly Jerusalem, also known as New Jerusalem, Israel 2.0, New Israel – is a project that aims to establish a Jewish state in the southern regions of Ukraine. In his interviews, Ber-Kut reported:


Let’s return to Ukraine and here it is extremely curious why exactly this territory was chosen by the Jewish people for the “New Jerusalem”?

First of all it was historically so. As you remember, it was on this territory 400 years existed Great Khazar Khaganate, 400 years on these lands existed the Jewish state.”


THE Great KhazarIA Khaganate aka Heavenly Jerusalem


Media Cover-Up of Jewish War in Ukraine and Danite Plan for Great Khazar Khaganate / Heavenly Jerusalem Project


“The Jerusalem Post reported last year that “The Jews are the ones behind the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and their goal is to create a new Jewish state to replace the failing Zionist project of Israel, Palestinian Islamic scholar Mraweh Nassar has claimed, as reported by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)“. Nassar, whom MEMRI identified as the secretary-general of the Jerusalem Committee of the International Union of Muslims Scholars, made his claims while speaking with Channel 9, an Arabic-language TV station in Turkey.

“In addition, 9 years ago, even before Berkut announced its project on the Internet, on the blog of The Times of Israel, Jim Wald, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for the Book at Hampshire College from the United States, published an article entitled “Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine,” with the specification that “Our Russian and Ukrainian correspondents Hirsh Ostropoler and I. Z. Grosser-Spass also contributed to this story, delayed due to the crisis over the Crimean referendum.” That said, less than a week after the Special Military Operation was launched, this article added an editor’s note: “This blog article is a satirical piece. It was published in 2014 on the eve of Purim, a Jewish holiday celebrated with raucous merriment and riotous comedy – with a particular emphasis on mocking anti-Semitism and ignorance.” Interestingly, up to this point, almost a full 8 years – there was no such note to the article and it was not yet a satirical work.”


   Consider the Coordinators of the Heavenly Jerusalem Project:

According to Ber-Kut’s version, a part of Ukraine will become the biblical “Heavenly Jerusalem”, given to the Jews as a reward for building the Third Temple. According to him, the project of “Heavenly Jerusalem” has been coordinated with Benjamin Netanyahu, Dmitry Medvedev, Jared Kushner and many other influential people from around the world, but the project is not covered in any way in the world or even in the local Ukrainian press, although, according to Berkut himself, the exception is the Israeli press exclusively in Hebrew.


Benjamin Netanyahu / Prime Minister of Israel

Dmitri Medvedev / Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Jared Kushner / Chabad Lubavitch / Son-in-Law of Donald Trump




So when the Democrats needed a victory in 2020 and President Biden’s representatives approached me with a request to rig some votes there, we gladly helped them, and then they told us: they have a creative solution to the Ukrainian problem, which is not just a change in the political orientation of Ukraine, but a complete total reduction of the population, at least to 3-4 million people, and then the settlement of people friendly to us.


~ Wagner founder, Yevgeny Prigozhin, answers's question about the secret Pentagon documents that have been made public



The "Khazar Conversion to judaism" is a RABBINIC Fabrication


Lecture by Professor Shaul Stampfer of Hebrew University provides compelling evidence that the alleged conversion of the Khazars to Judaism was a fabrication. [to conceal their Danite identity]


The Myth of the Khazar Conversion


Another video by Dr. Henry Abramson states the Khazars' conversion to Judaism is a Rabbinic legend with no solid evidence:


Origins of Ashkenazi Jews and Dubious Legend of Khazar Conversion




They apparently converted to Judaism in the year 740. The story of their conversion is rather amazing and it is perhaps most well told in a book that has very little to do with history and a lot to do with philosophy and polemics. It's a famous work by Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi who was a scholar who lived in Spain several hundred years after the events described and he wrote this famous classic work of philosophy, The Kuzari, which really means the Khazarian. In The Kuzari, he describes the legend of the conversion of the Khazar king, King Bulan, who was sort of faced with a difficult choice, because at that time Christianity was expanding throughout Europe and Islam was expanding all the way across azthe coast of North Africa and moving up into Europe as well as into Turkey and into the Balkans. And this King Bulan was troubled by this geopolitical situation and also apparently motivated, as the legend has it, by a sincere spiritual longing to find the one true religion. So, according to the legend he brought together a sort of trilateral debate team, a representative of Christianity, a representative of Islam and a representative of the Jews. And they had this 3-way debate and, ultimately, according to the legend, King Bulan converted to Christianity. Now before we discuss the actual realities of the legend, we have to understand how it is portrayed in The Kuzari.


Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi lived at that time in Spain towards the end of its so-called Golden Era, which was a remarkable period of coexistence between Christians, Jews and Muslims. Jews in particular enjoyed tremendous freedom to express themselves politically. Many of them held high offices. There was even a remarkable Jew named Samuel Ha-Nagid who was actually the general of a Muslim army for 16 years, an accomplished poet and a Talmudist to many ways a lot like Maimonides who was also a product of the late Golden Era, although he would ultimately be a victim of the reactionary period when Muslims would come from North Africa and insist that all of this fraternizing with Jews was unacceptable and Maimonides family would later flee and make their way over to Cairo where continue on an illustrious career. At any rate, Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi, seeing the breakdown of this period, composed this philosophical work which is set in that Khazarian debate in which King Bulan and the 3 representatives of the major faiths of that period, and he used it essentially as a foil to re-litigate that case and to make a strong philosophical defense of Judaism which results in King Bulan's affirmative decision to accept Judaism, and by extension, Rabbi HaLevi, is intending to make this available to the broader reading public -- a rather audacious work to write in the Middle Ages. It would be audacious to write it today, I think. It's a clear polemic against Islam and Christianity in favor of Judaism. So there is a lot of philosophical reason why Yehudah Levi would use The Kuzari as a type of conceit to clothe his larger polemic argument.

But what about the actual history of the Khazars? In reality we know very little about the Khazars as it is. Perhaps the most important piece of the story is some correspondence that was conducted between a Spanish leader named Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, a very important example of the early period of the Golden Age in Spain who was a foreign minister essentially a diplomat who conducted correspondence and diplomatic relations with many other nations of Europe on behalf of a Spanish kingdom and he was especially curious and philanthropically inclined towards Jewish populations all over, so he wanted to find out, is it true? Is what they say happened back in 740 still true now? Is there still a Jewish kingdom in this region of Khazaria? So he sent out emissaries to go to the Far East, to communicate with them. Unfortunately, they were not able to get past Constantinople for various political reasons of the day. However, those emissaries of Hasdai Ibn Shaprut did meet people who claimed to have been to Khazaria and who promised to communicate with him and to exchange letters and so they brought back with them some letters from one King Joseph of Khazaria which essentially goes through the legend as we have it today and, for some particular modern historian that was sufficient proof of the existence and reality of Khazaria as we have it today. Other historians however, have cast a lot of doubt, particularly in the 20th century, saying, 'Wait a second here, this is not direct contact with King Joseph. This is contact with third parties, and who knows, maybe they made it all up, maybe they are forgeries' and so on. And so there are a lot of questions about the actual validity of the story associated with the conversion of the Khazars.




Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson


“This speech [a letter sent to the newspaper] of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Chabad Leader and Messiah (the Lubavitcher Rebbe), was published in the Vologda newspaper “Slavyanin», N-4 (32), 2001 in Russia.


“Following the publication, the court was unable to prosecute its editor, V.F. Popov, under trumped up charges under Article 282, [incitement of national hatred] as he operated on the facts, and several Russian scientists stood up for him, including Academician Y. K. Begunov and Doctor of Law O.G. Korotayev.


“This speech was uttered by Menachem Mendel Schneerson based upon the Nazi teaching of Tanya, the Chabad Ideological Manifesto. There is much debate about its authenticity, as once argued about the validity of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” but it is an indisputable fact that almost all the goals, layed out by Schneerson, have been achieved by now. This speech is simply the application of Talmud to Ukraine and Russia. Talmud says: Jews should murder and enslave goyim worldwide. This speech says: Jews should murder and enslave goyim in Ukraine and Russia. Yes, the speech by Menachem Mendel Schneerson is monstrous. For a normal person, it is hard to believe that a religious leader can be a MURDERER, and that the religion can be THE IDEOLOGY OF MURDER. That is why, the text of this essay has every criminal passage from the speech next to the criminal passage from Talmud. The face of the Zionist Messiah also speaks for itself: it is the face of a TERRORIST, full of hatred and menace.”


Ukraine: Depopulation by 6-8 times (3-4 million)

Namely, in order for Ukraine’s GDP per capita to match Switzerland’s GDP per capita, it is necessary to depopulate the population by about 6-8 times. That is, the basic principle of the reform: the smaller the population, the higher the GDP per capita per person. This is, let us say, one of the basic anchors of the reform that we are going to carry out. Hence, the main way of reform is to steadily and gradually reduce the population in the country. …


“6 years ago, Anatoly Klyosov, a Soviet-American biochemist, author of “DNA-Genealogy”, in an interview with Den TV entitled “The History of the Jews: What DNA analysis has shown?” briefly mentioned that “as we know, a project is now being realized or prepared” to return Jews to Ukraine:


“And also this year, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Russian businessman and founder of PMC Wagner, responding to’s question about the secret Pentagon documents made public, reported on a “creative solution to the Ukrainian problem” through a complete total population reduction and the transfer of these territories to the Israelis.

“And the Democrats had a grudge against us. So when the Democrats needed a victory in 2020 and President Biden’s representatives approached me with a request to rig some votes there, we gladly helped them, and then they told us: they have a creative solution to the Ukrainian problem, which is not just a change in the political orientation of Ukraine, but a complete total reduction of the population, at least to 3-4 million people, and then the settlement of people friendly to us, for example, the transfer of these territories to the Israelis, so that they can communicate with us, there is herring under a fur coat, everything else, everything else we’re used to.



  • BlackRock to Rebuild Ukraine / 10 years


Ukraine War IS A NATO vs Russia Dialectic

Bibi Netanyahu Meets the Rebbe | 1990



“The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ('Capitalism' or 'Communism') and sharply defined citadels ('America' or 'Russia'). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case.“  -- Douglas Reed

Jewish dominance: from the USSR to today’s Russian Federation


Russia is nothing but a long impoverished multi-ethnic state run by a cabal of criminal Jewish mobsters seeking world domination—the same as it was under Gorbachev, Khrushchev, Stalin, and Lenin. Nothing has changed but the design of the national flag and the official titles of the country and its massive internal security apparatus (Putin even reverted the national anthem back to the Soviet one, although without lyrics). If you haven’t figured this out by now, you absolutely must read the revelations of late Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception. Genuine Western conservatives and Christians are being set up for total annihilation. It’s a trap! Get out!


A.K. Chesterton wrote in his book, The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power Politics:

“At times Capitalism and Communism would appear to be in conflict, but this writer is confident that their interests are in common and will eventually merge for one-world control. That policy outlined previously in Woodrow Wilson's Point Six has never been dropped.


“Capitalism and Communism, in terms of power, are merely their twin mechanisms to destroy the sovereignty of Christian nations. They will merge them into the projected super-state, where their financial power will exercise full sway and masterdom through that monopoly of atomic energy which is being sought with such feverish and fiendish persistence. They are selling us into slavery and using our material resources for their own nefarious world-wide purposes. To say that in exposing their plans for world domination we are playing the Kremlin’s game is to act as an unconscious agent of Christendom’s betrayal.”


  • Putin & Chabad Lubavitch

Putin is a Jew—documents from the president’s biography confirm rumours


“The Putin-Chabad alliance has reaped benefits for both sides. Under Putin, anti-Semitism has been officially discouraged, a break from centuries of discrimination and pogroms, and the government has come to embrace a state-sanctioned version of Jewish identity as a welcome part of the nation.


“As Putin has consolidated his control of Russia, Lazar has come to be known derisively as “Putin’s rabbi.” He has escorted the Russian leader to Jerusalem’s Western Wall and attended the opening ceremony of the Sochi Olympics, Putin’s pet project, on the Jewish Sabbath. Putin returned that favor by arranging for Lazar to enter the stadium without submitting to security checks that would have broken the rules for observing Shabbat.


“In 2013, a $50 million Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center opened in Moscow under the auspices of Chabad and with funding from Abramovich. Putin donated a month of his salary to the project, while the Federal Security Service, the successor to the KGB, pitched in by offering relevant documents from its archives.”


The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin


The Presidential Kabbalah Cult Unmasked

“The occult world is obsessed with geometry, numerology, special physical gestures, symbols, and so called magical incantations. As you will see below, the kings of the Earth, like U.S. President Donald Trump, proudly uphold this witch’s brew of death and deceit. They trust not in God, our Lord Jesus Christ, but in men and the Traditions of the Pharisees of the Synagogue of Satan, who are inspired by the devil and his minions. Below are also photographs depicting kings of the Earth and Freemasonry, which is rooted in the devilish Jewish Kabbalah.

“Rabbi” Isaac Wise admitted the Jewish source of Freemasonry when he said: “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”




“And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Revelation 6:12-17 

The Tribe of Dan Conceals their identity (because their deeds are evil)

“Dan's position in the journey was on the north of the Tabernacle, with Asher and Naphtali. The standard of the tribe was of white and red, and the crest upon it, an eagle, the great foe to serpents, which had been chosen by the leader instead of a serpent, because Jacob had compared Dan to a serpent. Ahiezer substituted the eagle, the destroyer of serpents, as he shrank from carrying an adder upon his flag.’ (Unger’s Bible Dictionary)


“Dan and the kindred tribes kept their colonies a deep secret, hence their name CELTAE.”  (Welsh Question and Druidism, p. 155)


Danes were Jews when it suited them, and when it did not, they were only Danes.” Blue Blood Secret (p. 82) / Rev. 2:9, 3:9


Were the Celtic Druids Pagan Israelite Priests? Very Informative article

“Parallel practices, festivals, clothing, symbols, ritual sites—and evidence of migration”


The Tribe of Dan's Druidic Rites of Human Sacrifice

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. John 3:19-20

  • Criminal Activity at Chabad Headquarters in Brooklyn, NY



“Secret Tunnel Underneath Head Chabad 'False-Messiah Mendel Schneerson' NYC Synagogue#TUNNELJEWS (


“Bloody Mattress Discovered!? Nothing to see Here Goyim; except Necromancy Ritual to Bring Back our Messiah Rebbe Mendel Schneerson. The Child Corpse!? Nobody will miss it. We swear it was already dead when it arrived. trust us, goyim. Cabalistic Jew/witch ritual Blood Magic


Chabad Mafia Abuses: Chabad-Lubavitch Molestation and Child Abuse

“Chabad runs a large network of Chabad schools in the USA and other countries. The objective of these Chabad schools is to make money. These Chabad schools are also a front for the illegal operations of the Chabad organization. The objective of these Chabad schools is NOT to provide a good Jewish education to its students. The people working in these Chabad schools are usually not qualified as teachers. The objective of these Chabad schools is NOT to provide a safe environment for its students. Child abuse is rampant at these Chabad schools.”

Chabad Motto? If At First You Don't Succeed, Sue the Victim

“(June 21, 2007). A Chabad man serves as the hazzan of a Chabad synagogue. Several years ago, outside another synagogue after a community event, the Chabad hazzan sexually assaults a woman who is a member of the Chabad synagogue. He is eventually arrested and pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of lewd conduct. He is sentenced, serves a very brief time, is given probation and community service. Meanwhile, the victim civilly sues Chabad, in part because she claims Chabad sheltered the hazzan. Now Chabad has sought a judgment against the victim for more than $175,000 in attorneys' fees, and a judge is about to grant that.

“The Chabad? Las Vegas, Nevada. The Rabbi? She Harlig. The hazzan? Michael Segelstein. As Jewish Survivors notes: Rabbi Harlig is attempting to sue a rape victim for attorney fees. This is a rape victim of a convicted sex offender who is on the national sex offender list. Immediately after the arrest, Rabbi Harlig falsely claimed this victim - who worked in the synagogue's kitchen - was not Jewish. She went to the RCA's beit din. They investigated and found Rabbi Harlig's claim false. The woman is the daughter of a Jewish holocaust survivor from Vienna, Austria. The beit din issued her a document verifying her Jewishness. But, during the time the beit din was investigating Rabbi Harlig's false claims, this woman's teenage son - a very active synagogue goer and participant - was forced to sit in the back of the synagogue. He was banned from receiving aliyot or leading services. And he was shunned by other members, as was his mother, apparently at the direction of Rabbi Harlig.

“And the man who raped this woman? He is a proud member of Chabad to this day, leading services and fully participating in synagogue life. A double standard? You bet it is. And that double standard is sanctioned by and orchestrated by Chabad-Lubavitch.

Review of “Passovers of Blood” by Ariel Toaff


Rituals Exposed 'blood passover' review”


“During the Passover ceremony of the Seder, a few drops of the child’s blood, the symbol of Edom (Christianity) and of Egypt, dissolved in the wine, had the power to transform the wine into blood, intended to be drunk and sprinkled onto the table as a sign of vengeance and a symbol of the curses directed at the enemies of Israel as well as a pressing call to Redemption. Again, in connection with the Pesach, vengeance on the children of Edom—Christianity—representing the Edom renewed, at Rome, the city of impurity.”

“By the way, Kaulgin has publicly stated his belief that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a pedophile. Another KGB defector, Alexander Litvinenko, went so far as to say that the KGB had compromising material on Putin buggering young boys. Yet many conservatives find it hard to believe that Trump was compromised by the Russians—perhaps at the hands of Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.”


Boy Kissed on Belly by Vladimir Putin: how Russian president treats kids


“Russian children, without exaggeration, were kissed by Putin. Just imagine: everyone who was born after 1999 saw him as the head of the country. But this is not the worst part in relationships between Putin and children.”

Excerpts from the Babylonian Talmud cited in Elizabeth Dilling's book, The Jews' Religion: It's Influence Today:


“Baby boys may always be used as subjects for sodomy by grown men, according to the Talmud. (See Exhibit 54) The Pharisaic subterfuge here is that until a child reaches sexual maturity, capable of sexual intercourse, he or she does not rank as a person, hence Biblical laws against sodomy (pederasty) do not apply. Throughout the Talmud “nine years and one day“ is the fictitious age of male maturity.


“Likewise, under “nine years and one day,“ the “first stage of intercourse“ of a boy with the mother, or any grown woman, is harmless, Talmudically. Shammai, to seem more “strict,“ lowers the age to eight years in some cases. (See Exhibit 82 from Sanhedrin 69b of the Talmud)


“A long harangue about the amount of the Kethubah (payment if divorced) a woman gets if her virginity was removed by a young boy, fills Kethuboth 11b of the Talmud. [page 23] (See Exhibit 136 and Exhibit 137) And here, the foul mother may be reckoned “pure,“ depending on the age of the child. Such degrading use of children was typical of paganism throughout the ancient world.


“When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this — that is, less than three years old — it is as if one puts the finger into the eye — tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.“ (See Exhibit 136, Kethuboth 11b of the Talmud)


“This is the standard doctrine of the whole Talmud on baby girls.  Sodomy and intercourse with babies is the prerogative of the adult Talmudic man, in contrast to Christ's beautiful teachings concerning little children.


“The following is also typical concerning the fictitious age of sexual maturity of baby girls set by the Pharisee “sages:“ “A maiden aged three years and one day may be acquired in marriage by coition …“ See Exhibit 55 (Sanhedrin 55b), Exhibit 81 (Sanhedrin 69a-69b), Exhibit 156 (Yebamoth 57b), and Exhibit 159 (Yebamoth 60b); also Niddah 44b.


“Baby girls of three can invoke sadistic punishments on those who have intercourse with them when they are “Niddahs“ (menstruating), a physical impossibility, of course. (Talmud, Sanhedrin 55b - Exhibit 55; Sanhedrin 69a - Exhibit 81)


“And, at three, a baby girl is always rated as “one who is fit for cohabitation — that is one who has attained the age of three years and one day.“ (Talmud, Yebamoth 60b, Exhibit 159) But, in the case of a baby girl who is not Jewish-born, or a so-called “proselyte,“ she may be “married“ thus by a grown priest: “A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest;“ although “one who is fit for cohabitation,“ as stated on the same page, is “one who has attained the age of three years and one day.“ (See Exhibit 159)


“This Talmud Yebamoth passage continues with the ruling in the case of a baby under three married to a grown man priest, and declared eligible to continue as his wife. (See Exhibit 160) The baby girl was a “proselyte, of course, so age did not matter. But “under eleven years and one day a little girl “carries on her marital intercourse in the usual manner. (See Exhibit 152, Yebamoth 12b of the Talmud.


Daniel 4:17 “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.



“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”  Matthew 24:6-12

Chabad Lubavitch Controls the United Nations


“It is not for nothing that in 1975, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which defined Zionism as the most blatant “form of racism and racial discrimination”, but repealed this resolution in 1992, because of our triumphant march across the planet. We have made UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over “all kingdoms and nations.”


Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson on his plans for destroying Ukraine and Russia


Chabad Lubavitch Headquarters is located 7.6  miles from the UN Headquarters in Brooklyn, NY.


Amazing conversation between a UN official & the Lubavitcher Rebbe

UN Sustainable Goals Agenda 2030

"Less people" means reducing the world population from 8 billion to 1 Billion.



WEF Member Calls for 86% Reduction in World’s Population

“A celebrated member of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for a staggering 86 percent reduction in the population of humans, arguing that the goal can be achieved “peacefully.The call was made by Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s 1972 pro-depopulation book “The Limits to Growth.” Meadows is an honorary member of the Club of Rome and a member of the World Economic Forum. Despite his book being published over 50 years ago, his ideology is still very anti-human. Meadows argues that most of the world’s population must be wiped out so that the survivors can “have freedom” and a “high standard of living.” During a 2017 interview, Meadows claims that genocide of 86% of the world’s population is “inevitable.” However, he insists that a “benevolent” dictatorship could accomplish the mass de-population “peacefully.” “We could [ ] have eight or nine billion, probably,” he says of the world’s growing population.

“If we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart … and [people have] a low standard of living,” Meadows says as he explains how the population reduction agenda could be triggered. But we want to have freedom and we want to have a high standard of living so we’re going to have a billion people. And we’re now at seven, so we have to get back down. I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow, and that it can be done in a way which is relatively equal, you know, so that people share the experience.”

It’s no coincidence that Meadows’ words echo the words in the 1995 report titled “United Nations Agenda 2030: Global Biodiversity Assessment.” The report, first presented at the United Nations “climate change” conference COP1, states:

An ‘agricultural world’ in which most human beings are peasants, should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people... In contrast, a reasonable estimate for an industrialised world society at the present North American material standard of living would be one billion.

What the advocates of this ideology seem to omit mentioning is that, according to Worldometer, the population of the world is currently over 8 billion...

A 2012 article celebrating the book’s 40th anniversary stated: “It is worth revisiting Limits [to Growth] today because, more than any other book, it introduced the concept of anthropocentric [human caused] climate change to a mass audience.” Another reason to revisit “The Limits to Growth” is to highlight the influence it had and still has on supranational organizations. For decades, New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard – who called for one-fourth of the human population to be culled to usher in a New World Order – championed transhumanism and Malthusian sustainable development.

The ideology is the crux of WEF founder and Chairman Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” agendas. Hubbard’s Malthusian overpopulation theories were partly inspired by “The Limits to Growth.“ In fact, in Hubbard’s “Book of Co-Creation,” there are multiple passages that warn of Malthusian “limits to growth” that could lead to ecological catastrophes. She also met personally with Club of Rome co-founder, Aurelio Peccei who prompted the World Economic Forum to adopt the Malthusian tenets of “The Limits to Growth” at the WEF’s Third Annual Meeting in 1973.

And now we have Meadows boldly declaring that he hopes that a dictatorship will slowly and “peacefully” cull 86% of the world’s population. This theory hasn’t escaped other members of the World Economic Forum either. WEF elites are frequently touting a world with a massively reduced population.

As Slay News has reported, Yuval Noah Harari, a top WEF member and senior advisor to Schwab, declared last year that “we just don’t need the vast majority of the population” in today’s world. According to Harari, most of the general public have now become “redundant” and will be of little use to the global elite in the future. Harari, who describes himself as a historian and futurist, argues that modern technologies like artificial intelligence “make it possible to replace the people.”

And more recently, Harari gloated in September that “climate change” will create a “technological Noah’s Ark” on Earth that will only be beneficial to “elites.”


The Summit of the Future 2024 / Pact for the Future

22-23 September 2024


“An action-oriented PACT FOR THE FUTURE will be endorsed by Heads of State/Government at the Summit, showcasing global solidarity for current and future generations. 


PACT noun compact especially : an international treaty

Summit of the Future Outcome Document

World leaders adopt a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. The Pact covers a broad range of themes including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance.” 

Pact for the Future promises “Peace and Security” 39 times. / 1 Thessalonians 5:3


1 Thessalonians 5

1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.





 “In the present phase, secret agents in the Catholic and other churches are being used to implement Communist strategy.”
—Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn –
The Perestroika Deception (Communism and the Vatican)


The Vatican State is not a member of the United Nations but was granted permanent observer state status on 6 April 1964. In that capacity, it has the right to attend all sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council, and the United Nations Economic and Social Council to observe their work.


Prince of the Covenant / Daniel 7:26 / Archbishop Pietro Parolin


The "Pact for the Future" does not fulfill the conditions of the Covenant signed with Israel which must be a prior covenant which will be confirmed with many.


Daniel 9:26-27 “And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”


Pope Francis expects his papacy to be brief.

“Pope Francis, who succeeded a resigning pontiff exactly two years ago, told a Mexican television network Friday that he expects his pontificate will be brief.


“Four or five years,’ he told Televisa. “I do not know, even two or three. Two have already passed. It is a somewhat vague sensation. Maybe it’s like the psychology of the gambler who convinces himself he will lose, so he won’t be disappointed and if he wins, is happy. I do not know.’


“Francis, who was elected in March 2013 after Pope Benedict XVI stepped down, said his predecessor had reopened a door to more popes emeritus.” (CNN Wire Service)

  • Pope Francis' Secretary of State, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, may be the Roman “prince that shall come” who “confirms the covenant” with Israel.


“Parolin has been mentioned as a papabile, or possible future pope, after the pontificate of Pope Francis. Some media have even speculated that Pope Francis himself sees Parolin as his successor.” (Wikipedia)

  • Pietro Parolin was born in Italy on January 17, the high feast day and annual convention of the Priory of Sion.


    “Pietro Parolin (...born 17 January 1955) is an Italian prelate of the Catholic Church... Parolin was born in Schiavon, [Italy] Province of Vicenza...

     “In 2005 Msgr Parolin was awarded Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.”  (“Pietro Parolin”)


  • Pietro Parolin now bears the title of a “Prince“ of the Church.

“On 31 August 2013 he was named Cardinal Secretary of State, effective on 15 October 2013.“  (“Pietro Parolin”)


“His Eminence is a historical style of reference for high nobility, still in use in various religious contexts. The style remains in use as the official style or standard of address in reference to a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, reflecting his status as a Prince of the Church.“ (His Eminence)

  • Pietro Parolin's appointment is to the Vatican's top administrative position, equivalent to the office of “prime minister.”

“Recent years have been less glorious for the job of secretary of state, although it remains the top position in the Holy See's administration, or curia, and is sometimes equated with 'prime minister' of the Vatican.”   (A 'Prime Minister' for Francis)

The Vatican Prince is only an observer at the United Nations. And the "Pact for the Future" does not fulfill the conditions of the Covenant signed with Israel which must be a prior covenant confirmed with the many.




Feast of Trumpets / Rapture on Rosh Hashana ?!

Next Feast of the Lord to be fulfilled / The Rapture, beginning of the Sabbath Rest for God's Ekklesia / εκκλησιαν a calling out

Feast of Trumpets 2024 /  Begins Oct. 4, 2024 6 pm Israel time and ends 6 pm Friday, Oct. 5, 2024.

Last Trump / Shofar sound on Saturday, Oct. 5 / 6 pm Israel time / Sabbath begins Israel / Saturday, 11 am EST, Oct, 2024

UPDATE: The beginning of the Feast of Trumpets 2024 was Sunset (6:42 pm) Israel time 4 October which was 11am EST Oct 4, 2024.

However, it is doubtful that Israel will adhere to the Biblical Feast dates but instead to the Rabbinic Hebrew calendar as explained below.

Devorah Date Tree wrote:

“The crescent New Moon was sighted from Israel this evening, Friday, 4 October 2024, thus marking the beginning of the 7th Biblical month!

“The New Moon was sighted from: The Zevulun Valley at 6:42pm by Yoel Halevi and his wife and by two other people also in Northern Israel

“Now, let’s move on to the 7th Biblical Month. Again, normally we would look for the crescent New Moon 29 days after the beginning of the previous Biblical month. However, 29 days later will be 3 October 2024, and it will be astronomically impossible to sight the New Moon that evening. And so again, the 7th month will begin at the end of the 30th day by default, which will be 4 October 2024.


So the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets was Sunset (6:42 pm) in Jerusalem on 4 October 2024 which was 11:42 am EST. The next day, the Last Trumpet should have sounded in Jerusalem  the next day at 6:42 pm  which will be 11:42 am EST Oct. 5, 2042.


According to Leviticus 23:24-25, the Feast of Trumpets is only ONE DAY, not two:

“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. Ye shall do no servile work therein: but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

The Talmudic Rabbis do not follow the Biblical calendar but created the Hebrew calendar which scheduled the Feast of Trumpets for 2 days.

Devorah Date Tree explains that the Rabbinic Hebrew Calendar does not follow the Biblical Calendar and is inaccurate.


Devorah's Date Tree - Restoring the Biblical Calendar


Why the different Hebrew dates? Answered by Devorah Gordon


The new moon was sighted in Israel on October 4 at 6:42pm. According to Leviticus 23:24, the Feast of Trumpets is only ONE DAY, not two. Therefore, the Last Trump will be October 5 at Sunset, Israel time. The rapture did not happen this year.


The Rabbinic Hebrew calendar differs from the Biblical calendar presented in God's Word. Check out the Chabad Lubavitch website for their unbiblical celebration of Rosh Hashanah as it has been modernized.  Recall that the Rebbe before Menachem Mendel Schneerson asserted that Chabad Lubavitch is the modern Tribe of Dan. "In 1940, in the midst of the Holocaust, the Sixth Rebbe miraculously arrived on the shores of the United States and established the modern-day Tribe of Dan."


Recall that the original Tribe of Dan under King Jeroboam changed the location, times and worship of the Feasts of the Lord when the 10 northern Tribes separated from the Kingdom of Judah.  He changed the Feast of Tabernacles from the 7th month to the 8th month.

"And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Beth-el, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Beth-el the priests of the high places which he had made. So he offered upon the altar which he had made in Beth-el the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense." 1 Kings 12:32-33

Jeroboam's date change was calculated to fall on the Druidic feast of Samhain, which is a memorial of the antediluvian civilization which God judged.  An informative article inquires "Were the Celtic Druids Pagan Israelite Priests?"

"There are various forms of Druidism, and there are differences in the practices, customs and beliefs between the various forms. Most, however, recognize eight annual feasts. (God established seven annual holy days in ancient Israel). The four primary Druidic festivals are Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. The four minor feasts revolve around the movement of the sun (winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, and fall equinox).

"For many Druids, Samhain was the most important festival. This festival was celebrated on November 1, though some people celebrated it for seven or eight days. Recall what King Jeroboam did with the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles that God inspired, which generally falls sometime during the months of September and October? He postponed it by one month!"

We can only conclude that the Tribe of Dan, which evolved into the Druid Priesthood, follows a pagan calendar.  Christians can be certain that the Lord Jesus will catch away His Bride on His Father's scheduled Biblical feasts, and not the Rabbinic pagan counterfeit.


1 Corinthians 15:51-55 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?


Matthew 25:1-4 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Revelation 4:1 “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”




UFO Alien Invasion / Plausible Post-Rapture UFO Scenario

This video on the Redacted channel makes a plausible case for how the pre-Tribulation rapture will be explained to the world and also the ramping up of UFO propaganda which will be fallen angels/demons posing as Archangels. (“The Externalization of the Hierarchy of the Ascended Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, who are advanced spiritual beings guiding the evolution of humanity toward perfection and immortality“ according to Alice Bailey and H.P. Blavatsky's book, The Secret Doctrine.)


“And, of course, as Our Saviors, though the dark side will be unveiled as Our Saviors and, of course that is documented in the Book of Revelation, the final book of the Bible, you have a number of catastrophic events and this is in Prophecy Watchers. And I'll share with you also something here with Billy Crone on this that's especially, again even on your cover you have beings going up and it looks like into a ship, which again is to me as we said earlier you know we go up they show up and they explain,... so they show up we're slowly, the whole world watches the Church go up into the skies and disappear into the clouds, and then let's say hypothetically, which is that I think scriptural, but possibly a ship then appears out of the cloud, and says, 'hey by the way we had to take these people out of the the Earth because' why well again if you listen to these Critters coming through demonic means of communication there's a couple different things they say was kind of a a mercy rescue operation in that these people were to, they use kind of some new age terms if you're familiar with them, 'they were not of the higher vibration as the rest of us, that they were not able to handle spiritually the time change'. Right, some will say that they were a hindrance to what we're trying to accomplish, but they always say this 'but don't worry about them, we got them in kind of quarters, we're taking care of them and we'll beam them back down when they're ready at a later time when they can handle, you know, the time of Earth changes and this new Utopia that we're going to bring to the planet now, which again simultaneously not only explains the way the Rapture but at the same time it makes those Left Behind thinking like, 'oh yeah oh yeah yeah, I'm I'm a super spiritual I can handle it, they couldn't yeah yeah.'”


According to the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, the Templars are the "Sons of Dan" who wil be protected by the Goddess Wisdom in their battle against Edom, which is Christianity.


The Knights Templar Kept SECRET Records of ATLANTIS and ETs


Excerpt: The Knights Templar have recently discovered lost book about The Wars of the Lord in which the Goddess Wisdom does battle for the Sons of Dan against “Edom which is Christianity.


“...basically what we have here is a standoff between the sons of Dan and another waring faction. They're standing on the edge of essentially a swamp and they are told not to go into the water but to goad your enemy into the water. So with that as a backdrop the goddess wisdom has commanded us and we have obeyed but we set not foot into Edom. Then a cloud descended from heaven and out of the Cloud “these are the people of the Lord and I am their goddess you will depart this place or be destroyed for I do battle this day for the sons of Dan. The leader of them set forth his chariots into the shallows of the water then did a silver Beast descend from the cloud in the likeness of a great bird and spat bolts of lightning from its wings into the water and the horses of the Chariots died and the men of the Chariots shook as with palsy fell to the waters and drowned. Then a great flame emitted from the mouth of the Beast and the host of them were consumed to the last blade of grass they were consumed and the Earth scorched black. One last thing, in times to come the king of Edom shall remember this place and this day and shall enter into a covenant. There's that word again with Israel to build a great Fort here so it was written in the book of the “Wars of the Lord so even just those few passages there's a lot to unpack what do you take from what I just read well you know certainly we have the goddess of wisdom this of course reminds us of Sophia and I'm also reminded of you know Solomon was said to have gotten in trouble because he was worshiping not only YHVH but also Asherah which was a female consort...

   Day of Atonement / Yom Kippur / Year of Jubilee 2024

Wednesday,  October 10, 2024

Ram’s horn to announce the 70th Year of Jubilee will sound on Day of Atonement 

   Brics Summit, October 22-24, 2024 in Kazan region of Russia

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates


“Of course, we will consider the degree to which many other countries, about 30 of them, are prepared to join the BRICS multidimensional agenda in one form or another. To this end, we will start working on the modalities of a new category of BRICS partner country.


BlackRock: New Financial governance system

Digital currency

Food rationing

Control natural assets


Bitcoin and the Plot to Destroy Financial Privacy / Whitney Webb


President-elect Trump

Donald Trump / last US president = “the Last Trump”



Proof That The Trump Assassination Was A Jewish Ritual

Persecution of Christians / 7 Noahide Laws for Gentiles


And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Revelation 20:4


Chabad Lubavitch, THE Babylonian talmud/ Oral law is the SOURCE OF THE 7 nOAHIDE LAWS


The Chabad Lubavitch deceptively claims that God gave the Seven Noahide Laws at Mount Sinai with the intention that the Children of Israel should keep them and teach them to the Gentiles. To justify these evil laws, Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Shlomo Riskin adds to Scripture that God gave Moses the Oral Law at Sinai and told him to write it on the Second Tablets after the First Tablets were broken.

Parshat Hashavua: Moses and the Two Tablets

FEBRUARY 28, 2013


“Allow me to add to this midrash on the basis of the teaching of Rabbi Soloveitchik.

“The essence of the Second Tablets included the Oral Law, the human input of the great Torah Sages throughout the generations which had been absent from the first tablets.

“Hence Chapter 34 of our portion opens with God’s command to Moses, “Hew for yourself two stone tablets” – you, Moses, and not Me, God; the first tablets were hewn by God and the commandments were engraved by God, whereas the second tablets were hewn by the human being Moses and the commands were engraved by him.

“The chapter concludes: “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Write for yourself these words for on the basis of these words [the Oral Law, the hermeneutic principles and the interpretations of the rabbis of each generation] have I established an [eternal] covenant with Israel.”

OHR Torah Stone is an Ultra Orthodox Jewish organization that partners with Reformed and Christian Zionist leaders. OHR Founder, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, upholds the authority of the Rabbis and the Talmud over the Word of God in the Old Testament:

 The Second Tablets and the Role of Divine Intervention in the Halachic Process?


What is God’s reaction when the rabbis don’t follow His opinion?

This story teaches that the halachic process is in the hands of the rabbinic authorities and even God can’t interfere with it. God made the choice to give it to the people.


The book of Deuteronomy states, "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you." Deuteronomy 4:2


Jesus rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees for their Traditions (Oral Law) which they substituted for the Word of God: “And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.“ Matt. 15:3,6


Reconstructionist Gary North stated that Orthodox Judaism boasts of learning and obeying Torah, but has in practice declared War on the Torah:


“Orthodox Judaism is at war with the Old Testament. This is the primary thesis of this essay. But, unlike Reform Judaism, which is infected with the same biblical higher criticism that has undermined mainstream Christianity, Orthodox Judaism claims to accept the Old Testament as the inspired Word of God. How, then, can anyone rightfully say that Orthodox Judaism is at war with the Old Testament? Only by accepting Jesus’ words literally:


“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? John 5:43-47).


“The thesis of this book is simple: the Jews of Jesus’ day, like their spiritual heirs, did not believe Moses’ writings….


“Here is how Weiss describes the effective use of the Talmud: “With one hand you acknowledge God’s existence. At the same time, you want to have some maneuverability. Studying critically is contending with God’s writacknowledging it but using criticism to alter it. Man is powerless vis-a-vis God and powerful vis-a-vis His Torah. There he can assert his independence by offering an interpretation different from the one God intended.”









The Talmud and Apartheid State of Israel:


The basic Talmudic doctrine includes more than a 'super-race' complex. It is an 'only' race concept. The non-Jew thus ranks as an animal, has no property rights and no legal rights under any code whatever.” (Dilling, The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today)


Palestinians are animals’ — Why many Jewish Israelis approve settler pogrom” (Mondoweiss)


Non-Jewish souls ‘satanic...

While Chabad sometimes openly teaches that “the soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew,” Rebbe Schneerson’s specific teachings on this subject are largely unknown. Quite likely very few Americans, both Jews and non-Jews, are aware of Schneerson’s teachings about the alleged deep differences between them – and about how these teachings are applied in the West Bank and Gaza...

Shahak and Mezvinsky write that it is essential to understand these beliefs in order to understand the current situation in the West Bank, where many of the most militant West Bank settlers are motivated by religious ideologies in which every non-Jew is seen as “the earthly embodiment” of Satan, and according to the Halacha (Jewish law), the term ‘human beings’ refers solely to Jews.”


Media Cover Up of the Threat of Communism


In an address to the United Nations in 1960, the leader of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, beat his shoe on the podium and yelled at the top of his lungs, “We will bury you!“ referring to the United States. That portion of Khrushchev's address is now denied by the media and has been scrubbed from the internet so that Americans will not suspect that Communism was never defeated. In fact, the destruction of the United States by Communist Russia is imminent. In February of this year, Vladimir Putin was interviewed by Tucker Carlson (CFR) who portrayed the President of Russia as harmless and no threat to the United States. Donald Trump is on more than friendly terms with Vladimir Putin and claims that he and Putin could end the Ukraine war in one day.  As former President, Trump even brought Russian diplomats into the Oval Office and shared intelligence with them.  But Americans should not be concerned about a fleet of Russian warships off the coast of Cuba, including a nuclear capable submarine.  According to CNN, the Russians are merely doing routine exercises which means the ties between the former Cold War enemies are strengthening.