Eugenics: All In The Family?
Henry B. Schacht (CFR) of the firm Warburg, Pincus & Co., is Director of the Chase Manhattan Bank, past Chairman and CEO, Lucent Technologies, serves on the Brookings Insitution Board of Trustees, and holds or has held executive positions in Lucent Technology, Cummins Engine Co, AT&T, ALCOA, among other leading corporations.
Hjalmar Schacht was the financial engineer of the Nazi rearmament program whom Hitler appointed Reich Minister of Economics. Schacht was a member of the Rhodes' Round Table and well connected with the Illuminati. He was a key player in the Bank of England precipitated Great Depression of 1929.
Is There a Connection?
According to a book review of Eugenics, Human Genetics and Human Failings: The Eugenics Society, Its Sources and Its Critics in Britain (Mazumdar), Mark Burdman states: "From 1933 through 1939, Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht met repeatedly with Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman--often at Norman's house, Thorpe Lodge--to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime, within the parameters of British credit support."
How the City of London Created the Great Depression by Webster G. Tarpley states:
Far from making financial crises impossible, the Fed has brought us one Great Depression, and it is about to bring us a super-depression, a worldwide disintegration. . .
The signal sent by the higher London Bank Rate was underlined in March 1929 by the Anglophile banker Paul Warburg. This was once again the scion of the notorious Anglo-Venetian Del Banco family who had been the main architect of the Federal Reserve System. Warburg now warned that the upward movement of stock prices was "quite unrelated to respective increases in plant, property, or earning power." In Warburg's view, unless the "colossal volume of loans" and the "orgy of unrestrained speculation" could be checked, stocks would ultimately crash, causing "a general depression involving the entire country." [Noyes, p. 324] . . .
Under the guidance of Schacht and Montagu Norman, the Germany of Chancellor Heinrich Bruening rapidly evolved into the prototype of the autarkical currency bloc of the 1930's. Most of the classical Schachtian apparatus later employed by Hitler was already in place before Hitler ever came to power. . .
In 1925, as the pound was returning to gold, Montagu Norman, Hjalmar Schacht and Charles Rist, the deputy governor of the Banque de France visited Benjamin Strong in New York to mobilize his network of influential insiders for easy money and low interest rates in the US. Strong was able to obtain the policies requested by Norman and his European puppets. Norman & Co. made a second pilgrimage to Wall Street between 28 June and 1 July 1927 to promote American speculation and inflation. On this second lobbying trip, Norman exhibited grave concern because the first half of 1927 had witnessed a large movement of gold into New York. Strong and his cabal immediately went into action.
The second coming of Norman and Schacht in 1927 motivated Strong to force through new reflation of the money supply in July and a further cut in the US discount rate in August of that same year. The rediscount rate of the New York Fed was cut from 4% to 3.5%. This was the credit which stoked the culminating phase of the Coolidge Bull Market during 1928 and 1929. Strong also got the FOMC to begin buying US Treasury securities in open market operations, leaving the banks flush with cash. This cash soon wandered into the broker call loan market, where it was borrowed by stock speculators to buy stock on margin, fueling a growing stock speculation. Interest rates in London were supposed, according to Norman, to be kept above those in New York - although Norman later deviated from this when it suited him.
In his essay "The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill," Lord Keynes noted that the British had returned to gold at a rate that was at least 10% too high; Keynes showed that the British government had also chosen a policy of deliberately increasing unemployment, especially in the export industries in order to drive down wages. In order to stem the flow of gold out of London, Keynes observed, the Bank of England's policy was to "encourage the United States to lend us money by maintaining the unprecedented situation of a bill rate 1 per cent higher in London than in New York." [Essays in Persuasion, p. 254]
"Far from making financial crises impossible, the Fed has brought us one Great Depression, and it is about to bring us a super-depression, a worldwide disintegration."
Henry B. Schacht's bio below reveals that he is Director of Warburg firm! Paul Warburg was instrumental in establish the Federal Reserve System. Even if there is no family relationship, this fact alone connects Henry B. with Hjalmar. Eustace Mullins' book on the Federal Reserve System discusses the role of the British Round Table, of which Hjalmar Schacht was a German member, in the planning the Great Depression of 1929. The record of a congressional hearing on this behind the scenes collaboration is revealing.
Following the next section is an excerpt from Rule By Secrecy (Jim Marrs) which connects the dots. In 1924, Hermann Schacht negotiated with the Bank of England for funding needed to rearm Germany. Note interconnectivity of Warburg/I.G. Farben/Rockefeller/Chase Manhattan, of which Henry B. Schacht is presently the director.
Henry B. Schacht
Director and Senior Advisor, E.M. Warburg, Pincus & Co., LLC
Chairman, Avaya Communication
Former Chairman and CEO, Lucent Technologies Inc.Henry B. Schacht is currently managing Director and Senior Advisor of E.M. Warburg, Pincus & Co., LLC, a leading global venture capital company and Chairman designate of Lucent Technologies' newly announced spinoff. Mr. Schacht was the founding Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lucent Technologies (1995-1998). From 1973-1995 he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cummins Engine Co. He serves on the Board of Directors of The Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., The Chase Manhattan Corporation, Johnson & Johnson Corporation, Knoll, Inc., Lucent Technologies, and The New York Times Company. He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Ford Foundation and a Trustee of The Metropolitan Museum of Art as well as serving on various commissions and studies. On June 27, 2000, he became Chairman of Avaya Communication, the new spin-off of Lucent's Enterprise Networks Group. [Leadership in the Strategic Enterprise: The Case of Lucent Technologies]
New Netizen - Roster of CFR/Trilateral Commission Members: Henry B. Schacht (CFR) - Chase Manhattan Corp., CBS, AT&T, CEO, Cummins Engines
Hjalmar (Horace Greely) Schacht
Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection
(Eustace Mullins, pp. 61)Published in 1952 by Kasper and Horton, New York, the original book was the first nationally-circulated revelation of the secret meetings of the international bankers at Jekyll Island, Georgia, 1907-1910, at which place the draft of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was written.Although the Rothschild plan does not match any single political or economic movement since it was enunciated in 1773, vital parts of it can be discerned in all political revolution since that date. LaRouche54 points out that the Round Tables sponsored Fabian Socialism in England, while backing the Nazi regime through a Round Table member in Germany, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, and that they used the Nazi Government throughout World War II through Round Table member Admiral Canaris, while Allen Dulles ran a collaborating intelligence operation in Switzerland for the Allies. . . Benjamin Strong died suddenly in 1928. The New York Times obituary, Oct. 17, 1928, describes the conference between the directors of the three great central banks in Europe in July, 1927, "Mr. Norman, Bank of England, Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, their meeting referred to at the time as a meeting of 'the world's most exclusive club'. No public reports were ever made of the foreign conferences, which were wholly informal, but which covered many important questions of gold movements, the stability of world trade, and world economy." . . .The House Stabilization Hearings of 1928 proved conclusively that the Governors of the Federal Reserve System had been holding conferences with heads of the big European central banks. Even had the Congressmen known the details of the plot which was to culminate in the Great Depression of 1929-31, there would have been nothing they could have done to stop it. The international bankers who controlled gold movements could inflict their will on any country, and the United States was as helpless as any other.
Notes from these House Hearings follow: . . .GOVERNOR ADOLPH MILLER: The three largest central banks in Europe had sent representatives to this country. There were the Governor of the Bank of England, Mr. Hjalmar Schacht, and Professor Rist, Deputy Governor of the Bank of France. These gentlemen were in conference with officials of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. After a week or two, they appeared in Washington for the better part of a day. They came down the evening of one day and were the guests of the Governors of the Federal Reserve Board the following day, and left that afternoon for New York. . .
The secret meeting between the Governors of the Federal Reserve Board and the heads of the European central banks was not called to stabilize anything. It was held to discuss the best way of getting the gold held in the United States by the System back to Europe to force the nations of that continent back on the gold standard. The League of Nations had not yet succeeded in doing that, the objective for which that body was set up in the first place, because the Senate of the United States had refused to let Woodrow Wilson betray us to an international monetary authority. It took the Second World War and Franklin D. Roosevelt to do that. Meanwhile, Europe had to have our gold and the Federal Reserve System gave it to them, five hundred million dollars worth. The movement of that gold out of the United States caused the deflation of the stock boom, the end of the business prosperity of the 1920s and the Great Depression of 1929-31, the worst calamity which has ever befallen this nation. It is entirely logical to say that the American people suffered that depression as a punishment for not joining the League of Nations. The bankers knew what would happen when that five hundred million dollars worth of gold was sent to Europe. They wanted the Depression because it put the business and finance of the United States in their hands.87 Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, Macmillan, New York, p. 326
Satanic Bloodlines: The Onassis Bloodline
The Perons set up a dictatorship in Argentina The Perons have a great number of Nazi & Satanic connections/activities. If you get Into studying about the Perons you will come up with names such as Josef Mengele (a Satanic Nazi Doctor), Dr. Fritz Thyssen, and Otto Skorzeny. Onassis had sexual liaisons with Evita Peron, who was a platinum blonde. Onassis had Nazi connections that continued his whole life, as did the Perons. For instance, one of Onassis's Nazi associates was Hjalmar Schacht, president of Hitler's Reichbank, who Onassis hired after the war. Schacht helped Onassis' shipyards in Germany build tankers after W.W. II. Until people realize that the real guiding hand behind the Nazi's was Satanism they will continue to be misguided as to the way everything connects together at the top. For instance, John Foster Dulles was the man at Versailles Treaty who can be credited for having created the Treaty's harsh terms against Germany that ruined Germany financially after W.W. II. And yet this same man, John Foster Dulles, was the person who secretly went to Hitler to confirm to Hitler that the elite would financially back Hitler's rise to power.
Unholy Trinity:The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks
Mark Aarons and John Loftus, NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 1991, 1998, p.294.)"It is hard to believe now, but fifty or sixty years ago, Nazism was seen as a good thing by many foreign investors. Fascism, so it was thought, was simply an external manifestation of the attitudes of the conservative German people who were traditionally hostile towards Communistst and labor unions. Some of the most prominent and respected German industrialists -- such as the Thyssen family and the Brooklyn-born Hjalmar Schacht -- reassured the American investors that Hitler was simply 'a dog on a chain' to keep the left out of power in Germany."
Rule by Secrecy, The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids
(Jim Marrs, HarperCollins Publishers, 2000, pp. 165-6)Hitler too initially kept his verbal attack confined to international bankers, particularly the Rothschilds. In speeches during the early 1920s, Hitler praised German industrialists such as Alfred Krupp, while condemning "the rapacity of a Rothschild, who financed wars and revolutions and brought the peoples into interest-servitude through loans.
Despite these attacks, the emerging Nazi power continued to find support in Britain, even within the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England. "On New Year's Day, 1924, the financial fate of Germany was settled in London at a meeting between Hjalmar Schacht, the new Reich Commissioner for National Currency, and Montague Norman, governor of the Bank of England," noted John Toland. "Schacht, who had already abolished emergency money, began with a frank disclosure of Germany's desperate financial situation." He then proposed to open a German credit bank Reichsbank, but one which would issue notes in pound sterling. Schacht asked Norman to provide half the capital for this new bank and declared, "What prospects such a measure would afford for economic collaboration between Great Britain's World Empire and Germany...
"Within 48 hours Norman not only formally approved the loan at the exceptionally low interest of a flat five percent but convinced a group of London bankers to accept bills far exceeding the loan."
William Bramley noted these international banking connections: Max Warburg, a major German banker, and his brother Paul Warburg, who had been instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve System in the United States, were directors of Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben. Farben, the giant chemical firm that produced Zyklon B gas used in Nazi extermination camps. H.A. Metz of I.G. Farben was a director of the Warburg Bank of Manhattan, which later became part of the Rockefeller Chase Manhatten Bank. Standard Oil of New Jersey had been a cartel partner with I.G. Farben prior to the war. One American I.G. Farben director was C.E. Mitchell, who was also director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and of Warburg's National City Bank. The president of I.G. Farben in Germany, Hermann Schmitz, served on the boards of the Deutsche Bank and the Bank for International Settlements [BIS]. In 1928 Schmitz was voted president of the board of National city Bank, now Citibank.
...After the war, twenty-four I.G. Farben executives would stand trial at Nuremburg for crimes against humanity, including the building and maintenance of concentration camps and the use of slave labor.
...Financing the rearmament of Germany in violation of the Versaille Treaty proved as profitable as it was dangerous to European peace.
* When people of this class are stricken by guilt feelings while plotting world wars and economic depressions which will bring misery, suffering and death to millions of the world's inhabitants, they sometimes have qualms. These qualms are jeered at by their peers as "a failure of nerve". After a bout with their psychiatrists, they return to their work with renewed gusto, with no further digressions of pity for "the little people" who are to be their victims.
Hjalmar (Horace Greeley) Schacht (1877-1970) The financial engineer of the Nazi rearmament program, Schacht was the least ideologically committed of Hitler's top advisors. Tried at NŸrnberg, Schacht was acquitted on all counts; a subsequent conviction under the denazification laws was eventually also reversed and by the early 1950's Schacht was once again a member of the German banking establishment. Schacht was a leading member of the German banking community before the Third Reich and is credited with bringing a halt to the disastrous inflationary cycle in 1923. In the same year he was appointed President of the Reichsbank, the leading financial institution in the Weimar Republic. Schacht resigned this post in 1930 to protest what he felt was the unfair treatment of Germany by the allies, in particular the heavy schedule of World War I reparation payments. Hitler's Mein Kampf appealed to Schacht's strong nationalist sentiments and he became a key figure in the political process and coalition building that brought Hitler to power in 1933. Hitler reappointed Schacht to his previous position as Reichsbank president and then in 1934 also named him Reichswirtschaftsministers (Reich Minister of Economics). In this latter capacity, Schacht used the resources of the Reichsbank to fund the costly rearmament program and still keep inflation in check. He resigned his post as Minister of Economics in 1937. In 1944 he was arrested on charges that he participated in the conspiracy that attempted to assassinate Hitler and spent the final months of the Third Reich in concentration camps.
Affidavit of Hjalmar Schacht
I, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, after having been warned that I will be liable to punishment for making false statements, state herewith under oath, of my own free will and without coercion, the following:The amounts contributed by the participants in the meeting of 20 February 1933 at Goering's house were paid by them to the bankers. Delbruck, Schickler & Co., Berlin, to the credit of an account "Nationale Treuhand" (which may be translated as National Trusteeship). It was arranged that I was entitled to dispose of this account, which I administered as a trustee, and that in case of my death, or that in case the trusteeship should be terminated in any other way, Rudolf Hess should be entitled to dispose of the account.I disposed of the amounts of this account by writing out checks to Mr. Hess. I do not know what Mr. Hess actually did with the money.On 4 April 1933, I closed the account with Delbruck, Schickler & Co. and had the balance transferred to the "Account Ic" with the Reichsbank which read in my name. Later on I was ordered directly by Hitler, who was authorized by the assembly of 20 February 1933 to dispose of the amounts collected, or through Hess, his deputy, to pay the balance of about 600,000 marks to Ribbentrop.I have carefully read this affidavit (one page) and have signed it. I have made the necessary corrections in my own handwriting and initialed each correction in the margin of the page. I declare herewith under oath that I have stated the full truth to the best of my knowledge and belief.(Signed) Dr. Hjalmar Schacht12 August 1947
In a subsequent affidavit of 18 August 1947 (N1-9764, Pros. Ex 54), Schacht declared the following with regard to the above interrogation: "I made all of the statements appearing in this interrogation to Clifford Hyanning, a financial investigator of the American Forces of my own free will and without coercion. I have reread this interrogation today and can state that all of the facts contained therein are true to my best knowledge and belief. I declare herewith under oath and I have stated the full truth to the best of my knowledge and belief."Source: Copy of Document Prosecution Exhibit 55. Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremburg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10, Nuremburg, October 1946-April 1949, Volume VII, I.G. Farben, (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952).